Vitamin D: The benefits of the sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D: The benefits of the sunshine vitamin

So, what’s all the hype about vitamin D? What is Vitamin D and which are the benefits with it associated? And is it just sun-related or can it be found in foods too? Also, what happens when you are low on vitamin D and do 

The benefits of a dairy and meat free diet

The benefits of a dairy and meat free diet

Studies show that there are several benefits to limiting or giving up completely meat and dairy consumption. A plant-based diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, legumes and nuts, is a healthy and nutritional diet and people who follow it are generally associated with 



It is well known that the quality of the food we eat is closely linked to our physical health. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and even some form of cancer are influenced by what we eat. Research also tells us that there is a strong link 

Milk alternatives: in the battle dairy vs plant, which is best for us and the planet?

Milk alternatives: in the battle dairy vs plant, which is best for us and the planet?

Milk drinkers are slowly but solidly moving away from dairy milk in favour of plant-based milk as a healthier, more adequate, ethical and sustainable choice over cow, goat, sheep and buffalo milk. Yet, because there’s so many choices and plenty debate over which is best, 

Beware of dietary trends: the importance of a varied diet

Beware of dietary trends: the importance of a varied diet

The solution to a healthy and nutritional diet is simple: eat a varied diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. If the secret to good nutrition is just that, then why so many talks about diets? Every year there’s a new trend around food regimes, 

Food and nutrition for the prevention and treatment of diseases

Food and nutrition for the prevention and treatment of diseases

Fundamentally, we eat because food provides us with the fuel to function, but we also eat because, in terms of its nutrients, food enables our bodies to grow and even heal and repair. Now, the million-dollar question, the one thing we all want to know 

What is Food as Medicine and how is this relevant to me?

What is Food as Medicine and how is this relevant to me?

Food is an important and vital fuel to our bodies and there are many reasons and findings that prove that paying attention to what we eat is also important in terms of how it can benefit or compromise our health. When we are unwell, we